
Mobile: How do I setup e-mail on Android Print

  • 151

Done on an Android 10 device.

  1. Start "E-Mail". if there are none e-mail accounts added previuosly in app, go to step 4.


  1. Inside the app, click the cog (marked with red)

  1. Click the "Add account"


  1. If you have no other email added to this app, this will be step 1.

On this page, select "Other".


5 .Type in your E-mail adresse and password. Select "Manual setup".



  1. Here you choose POP3 or IMAP account, in this guide we use IMAP.

Setting up POP3 is almost identical as IMAP.


  1. Username is the full e-mail adresse. password is prefilled (from previous step).
  • IMAP-server:
    • If you have choosen POP3-account will it also be:

 Security type: SSL

  • Port: 993


  • SMTP-server:
  • Security type: SSL
  • Port: 486
  • Activate "Require authentication to send emails"
  • Username and passwordis the sames as incomming server, also prefilled.



Click on "Sign in" and your account is ready for use.


Do you have any questions, please contact customer support.


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