Norid runs the register for Norwegian domain names such as .no, kommune.no, fylke.no etc. Yesterday we received the following email from Norid:
«Over the last few days several people have received an email supposedly from Norid. In this email the recipient is asked to click on a link to pay an invoice for a domain subscription. This is ...
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Etter omfattende testing og oppsett har vi nå gleden av å informere om at kunder med pro-pakke hos oss nå har fått tilgang på løsning fra JetBackup i DirectAdmin. JetBackup er et verktøy som vi benytter til sikkerhetskopi av alle data hver natt på serverne web10 og web11, og hvor brukerne selv enkelt kan utføre gjenoppretting av ...
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From 01.03.2024, the mailing list function will be removed from our servers. The reason is that the software used was developed over 20 years ago and has not been maintained. We recommend that those who use mailing lists switch to newer and more modern alternatives. As a "one-click" installation with us, it is possible to install phpList.
There ...
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