DNS: Manage DNS settings (zonefile) Print

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In this guide we will show you how to manage your zonefile to create and delete records.

  1. First of all you need to log in to the clientarea.

  2. Click on "Change zonefile" for the domain you want to manage DNS settings for.

  3. To add a record, click "Create DNS Recond".

  4. First, choose your type of record (A, CNAME, MX or similar).

    Type: Choose "A" to create A-record

    Name: The record you like to add. In this case we add server.nordhost.no.
    Remember to add the last period (.) on the end after the domain name.

    Value: The IP of the record

    Type: Choose "CNAME".

    Name: The record you like to add. In this case we add server.nordhost.no.
    Remember to add the last period (.) on the end after the domain name.

    Value: The destination. In this case web1.nordkapp.net.
    Remember to add the last period (.) on the end after the domain name.

    Type: Choose "MX".

    Name: The domain you like to add new MX for. In this case we use nordhost.no., but your have to change this to your domain name.
    Remember to add the last period (.) on the end after the domain name.

    Priority: 0 or above. Recommended values: 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50.

    Low number is the highest priority.

    Value: The destination where mail is to be delivered. In this case aspmx.l.google.com. for delivery to Google. 
    Remember to add the last period (.) on the end after the value.

    Note: Make sure to delete any records pointing to our servers if you like the mail to be delivered to Google, Microsoft or others.

    Click "Create" to save the change.

  5. After the record is added it will show like this. To delete the record, click the "trash"-icon behind the record.

  6. The TTL of a record will follow the default. Most likely this is 1800 seconds. If you like to change this, please contact us.
    We are working on making TTL available in the DNS Management system.

If you do have any questions please contact us for assistanse.


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